Fractional CFO
Empyrean Advisors’ fractional CFO services give you access to experienced financial expertise on a flexible, as-needed basis. We tailor our services to your specific needs to help you make more informed financial decisions and confidently achieve your strategic goals.
Insight & Integrity
Managing finances plays a critical role in the success of any business. Empyrean Advisors offers various services, including interim CFO consulting and fractional CFO health care services. Our experts ensure that your financial strategy is well-aligned with your overall business strategy through our highly flexible CFO services. We work closely with your team to ensure integrity and insight in your financial reporting, forecasting, and controls so you can navigate the complexities of growing your business.
Our clients take comfort in knowing they’re working with people who have done it before. We bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table and are committed to providing clients with the highest level of service and support. We designed our CFO services to help you achieve your financial objectives and take your business to the next level. With Empyrean Advisors as your partner, you can have the peace of mind and confidence you need to succeed.
Finances for the Future
Strong financial reporting is essential to achieving business goals. While timely and accurate financial reports are a good starting point, it’s important to go beyond this and look at the key drivers of the business, such as pricing strategies, labor ratios, manufacturing costs, and sales funnels. By understanding these drivers and creating insightful forecasts, our CFOs and consultants can work closely with your executive teams to evaluate strategic initiatives, assess risk and opportunity, and secure the necessary financial resources to guide the company to success.
Whether you need interim CFO consulting, CFO outsourcing for physician groups, or other CFO services tailored to your unique needs, Empyrean has the expertise and experience to help you succeed financially.
A growing company should have robust financial systems including:

Timely and accurate financial statements produced each month

Financial metrics including, but not limited to cost/unit, breakeven and gross margin analysis, banking ratios, and other critical business drivers

Financial controls and processes that minimize waste, abuse and risk

13-week cash projections, and other treasury protocols

Current year and multi-year business forecasts that plan for seasonality, critical investments or other uses of working capital

A capital plan that balances debt, equity and working capital
As your business grows, your financial needs become more complex. We work closely with you to ensure your financial systems and processes can keep pace with your growth. With our CFO outsourcing services, we can provide your company with the financial systems and support you need to scale effectively.
pricing information
Our CFO outsourcing services are uniquely tailored to fit the needs of each business. Contact us today for a free consultation and to receive a price estimate.
Schedule your free consultation
Our consultants have worked around the globe to provide CFO services to health care physicians and businesses. We’ve helped build strong financial systems for health care providers, software companies, consumer goods, manufacturing, general contractors, hospitality, advanced engineering, artificial intelligence and others across the USA, Europe, and Southeast Asia.
meet the
Get to know the CFOs and consultants at Empyrean Advisors and learn more about how our fractional CFO services can help you confidently achieve your goals.